The Noble-Beasley's lovely home, with a view on Kapiti island. |
This might come as a surprise, but I've never attended an olive oil tasting before. So I was very delighted when Allan (the new chairperson of the Kapiti branch) announced that Tricia and Rob of Noble Estate would host the event. Helen Walshaw led the tasting while Allan and David gave short talks on the ONZ developments and subs, as well as diseases and their control.
After a week of fairly miserable weather leading up to the event, were lucky enough to have a wonderful sunny day for the tasting, so the whole event took place outside in the beautiful surroundings of Noble Estate.
The tasting turned out a very informal affair and Helen kindly agreed to give Gerry and myself the rundown on how it is normally done. Everybody who presses oil (which is just about all the members, except for us :-}) brought a bottle of their oil for the tasting.
Dunking bits of bread (ciabatta?) in good quality oil and tasting it (which is different from how it is traditionally done), is a very pleasant experience. I thought it might be too oily, but not at all. It tasted absolutely divine!
We had a lovely lunch afterwards, courtesy of the branch and everybody who contributed salads.
Getting the formalities out of the way before the tasting. (l-r) Allan, Anne, Helen, David, Paul and Tricia. |
The tasting table - interesting how the oils differ in taste and colour. |
Gerry putting his newly acquired tasting skills to the test. Is that a peppery aftertaste? |